A community offering women an inspiring space to learn & practice photography.

Capture unique moments every day with 365

Are you tired of taking the same old photos over and over again?

Do you want to network with like-minded photographers worldwide?

Have you started to overlook the beauty of your own surroundings?

If any of these questions apply to you, then it's time to join 365.

Join the 365 programme and get your creative juices flowing!

Sign up today for only $365


For all my friends living in the southern hemisphere, you will receive the emails from "the other time of year" - just let me know once you've signed up, and I'll set you up.

You'll receive a new photo idea every morning straight to your inbox. These diverse ideas will show you how to capture a unique image daily. You'll also learn how to adapt each concept to your own photography style.

Remember, the key to becoming a better photographer is constant practice. Use this opportunity to hone your skills and unleash your creativity.

Don't miss out on the chance to develop yourself and connect with a community of like-minded people.







Discover a year full of photographic inspiration

Imagine waking up every morning with a new photography lesson in your inbox, guiding you through the process you need to create the look. You understand the key elements of each photo and can effortlessly adapt them to your photography style.

365 offers a vibrant community of passionate female photographers who, like you, are on a quest to discover the world through their lenses. The beauty of this programme is the diversity - everyone works on a different photo, creating a rich variety of images in the community.

The programme is aimed at photographers who want to discover the hidden gems in their surroundings. It's easy to overlook the beauty of the familiar places we call home - the streets we walk, the parks we visit, or the gardens we tend to. This 365-day experience will reignite your creative spark and help you recognise the photographic potential in every corner of your world.

Are you ready to rediscover the beauty around you? Join us on this transformative 365-day photography journey.

Benefits of 365:

  • You'll get a photo idea that doesn't require special skills or equipment. Depending on what you have, all ideas can be easily captured with a smartphone or camera.

  • Different photographs will be posted to the 365 community daily because members can work on the projects they enjoy the most. This removes the pressure of having to ‘keep up’!

  • You don't have to think about what you could photograph on a particular day. You get both the idea and a step-by-step guide on how to take the photo.

  • Once you have successfully taken the photo from that day's email, you will be in the flow and able to realise your own ideas.

  • You will create photos that would never have been possible without the daily ideas.

  • Even if you don't have time that day, receiving a creative email every morning is a great way to be reminded of your favourite hobby.

  • You can focus more on the creative process than searching for ideas for your next photos.

  • The concept goes hand in hand with a community; there are already many inspiring posts and creative communication between members.

  • It's a one-time payment; you can stay as long as you want. The email series is 365 days long, and when it's over, it automatically starts all over again. You can unsubscribe if you don't want to continue after a year. You will always be a member of the community.

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 Sign up for the three hundred and sixty-five day email series.

‘365 days of creative ideas’

In this email series, you will receive an email with a creative idea every morning for the next 365 days - and once the 365 days are over you can start again from the beginning!

Here is an example from Email 1:

Please note: For all my friends living in the southern hemisphere, you will receive the emails from "the other time of year" - just let me know once you've signed up, and I'll set you up.

Let's start at the very beginning. Yes, today is a new beginning. Today is the first day of your three-hundred-and-sixty-five-day email series, and I want you to see the world with new eyes.

It's spring. And what better way to capture a new beginning than with a blossom!

If you look at the photo below, you'll see a blossom on my blossoming apple tree. I took this photo a few days ago and had to stand on a chair to take it because otherwise, the perspective wouldn't have been as nice as it is here.


It's always good to get to eye level when photographing your subjects. I took several shots of this blossom, and because it was a bit windy, I used the manual focus on my camera. This is something new for me because I usually rely on auto-focus, but the split-second the wind blows is sometimes fast enough to blur the details. The manual focus on my camera does a great job, so I'm relying on it more and more.

When photographing flowers, I try not to capture too much of the background in focus, so I choose the widest aperture setting to ensure the background is nice and blurred.

This photo was taken in the late afternoon, and the low sunlight shone through the tree and the other flowers in the background, creating a pleasant bokeh.

The camera settings I would recommend are as follows:

  • Largest aperture (smallest number, for example, 2.8)

  • 1/800 sec shutter speed

  • Increase the ISO value to around 800 to compensate for the lack of light caused by the fast shutter speed. If the photo is too bright, reduce it to ISO 400; if it is still quite dark, increase it to ISO 1600.

If the photo is too dark, you can adjust the exposure when editing later. If you're shooting into the backlight, you should try to avoid overexposure.

When I take photos of flowers, I always focus on the bud or one of the leaves. Sometimes, the buds are too round, and the camera can't capture or focus on them, so I have to look for something with more edge to focus on. I like to use similar colours as the blossom of a flower in the background, so I've positioned myself so the background is a mass of blossoms.

I hope you've enjoyed this first glimpse into the emails you'll receive every morning for the next 365 days if you sign up.


 Sign in Now!

And start your photography year with new ideas, input and inspiration

Only $365

Payment plans available


 Frequently Asked Questions


+ I don't have time to take photos every day.

That's absolutely normal; most female photographers don't have that. Please never feel like you have to keep up. There will be days when you have more time and can work on several projects at the same time. And there will be days when you don't have time. But just receiving an email every morning will remind you of your favourite hobby. The emails will be available whenever you need them.

+ Will you give feedback on the pictures?

I will check in on the group several times a week to see what everyone is posting. If a photo needs specific feedback that the photographer could benefit from, I will comment on the image. However, feedback is not guaranteed. So if you are looking for more individualised support from my side, I recommend you join ICONIC.

+ Can I only post pictures from that day's email to the community?

Participants will join 365 every day of the year, so members will post photos of the exercises they are working on. This is great because it will inspire you every day and some will remind you of previous exercises that you enjoyed and might want to follow again.

Basically, you can tackle an idea multiple times and turn it into a challenge, do the daily exercises or just focus on the exercises that appeal to you the most. You are the boss. You decide when and what kind of photos you want to take and what photos you want to post.

+ Is there a question that is not listed here that you would like to have answered?

Why don't you write me email.


Sign up for only $365


And start your photography year with new ideas, input and inspiration

For all my friends in the southern hemisphere, you will receive the emails from "the other time of year" - just let me know once you've signed up, and I'll set you up.
