A community offering women an inspiring space to learn & practice photography.



Enjoy getting creative with 30 unique bokeh and bubble presets.

They'll open new creative opportunities and enable you to draw attention to the subject, cover up distractions, and add more depth to your images.

For only $ 149


The set includes 30 Lightroom Presets (XMP files) + a video series where you will learn how to import, apply, adjust, move and erase individual elements.



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Different ways to use the bubble presets:

To create a sense of magic

Use them on photos that either contain elements of bokeh and/or blur.


To Enhance golden light:


To lighten up areas when you want to add text

This makes the area look neutral, and the soft bubbles are far prettier than standard text backgrounds.


To cover up unwanted areas

That would otherwise ruin the photo


 Want to get bubbling?

Buy Now For Just $149
