A community offering women an inspiring space to learn & practice photography.

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 Join the five-day Photography Style Challenge

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Most photographers who invest in a good camera are enthusiastic about expressing themselves through photography and creating photos they feel connected to.

With a wealth of photography potential wherever we look and the masses of good photographers out there it's difficult to stand out from the crowd and create photos that are recognisable as our own by others = develop a photography style.

The first step in developing a photography style is to define what your future photography style will look like.

Sign up for the free five-day photography challenge that will take you playfully through the steps.

Sign up for free here:


    “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

    ―Ralph Waldo Emerson

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    This is what awaits you when you sign up for the five-day photography challenge.

    You can start learning immediately. As soon as you have registered, you will receive the first email with the first exercise. One day later, the next exercise will be sent by e-mail.

    From then on, you will receive an email every day with a link to a live Zoom session. In each of these zoom sessions, we will discuss a different aspect of photography style and you will also learn what you need to do next in the five-day challenge. Thank you for joining us for this five-day challenge.


    What can you expect?


    In each of our five live sessions, I'll be explaining the next step to take on your path to defining your photography style, and motivating you with further insights about why you need one, how it will be easy to develop and what your life will look like when it becomes reality.

    Live training Day One:

    The thought about taking the first step on your own to developing a photography style probably feels slightly overwhelming, doesn't it? This has a lot to do with feelings over indecisiveness and also the reluctance to focus on one type of photography. In this live session you'll learn more about why having a photography style is anything but restrictive, and how having one will make you more creative and boost your confidence.

    Live training Day TWO:

    A photography style has little to do with capturing photos of a particular thing or place, for instance travel, street, portraiture or landscape. What may be confusing is that many photographers focus on one subject but if you look closer you'll notice that their photos are captured in a certain way. In this live training I'd like to explain more about the different ways that you can define your style.

    Live training Day Three:

    You already have a few people who have noticed that you are a photographer or have already started following you on social media. In this live training, we'll be talking about the people. For instance your followers and friends who are following you enthusiastically and how to find more like-minded followers with your photography and the kind of opportunities your photography style may bring with it.

    Live training Day four:

    It confusing that some photographers do happen to follow a certain theme, for instance flower photography, and others don't. In this live training I will be introducing you to several different photographers who have a defined photography style both some who have an overarching theme and others that don't.

    Live training Day five:

    By day five you will already have a clear idea on your photography style. In this live training I will be looking at the ideas that the challenge members have put together and giving some final tips and advice.

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     Frequently Asked Questions


    + Will the challenge equip me with the knowledge I need to develop my photography style?

    The challenge was created so that you have a clear idea on how your photography style will look. However, it isn't a full-blown photography workshop on photography style development.

    + What if I don't have time to take part in the challenge this time?

    It does make sense to go through the steps while they are being offered to you. This challenge is purely for photographers who want to start developing their photography style now.

    It is realistically possible to complete the challenge within the five days if you go through the contents and complete the exercises each day. You have an additional five days to go through the contents once the official five-day challenge has ended.

    + What happens after I sign up?

    Once you sign up you will be taken to a page with a video where I briefly explain what will happen in the challenge. You will also receive an email with the first steps that you can take.


    Hi, I’m Dawn Hänsch,

    founder of Girls with Cameras and SOOP and also the creator of this beautiful workshop

    Having a creative photography style has opened doors for me and I love it when people recognise a photo as mine without seeing my name under it.

    My unique photography style helped set me apart from the competition as a portrait photographer in my home town. I was able to charge higher prices because, for my clients, I was the only option.

    It’s also easy to gain new Instagram followers as my feed has its own feel.

    I want the same for you and I can give it to you - in this workshop!

    Dawn xx

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    Take the first step in defining your photography style by signing up for the 5 day challenge below!

    It’s free!

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