A community offering women an inspiring space to learn & practice photography.
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Please ask yourself the following:

Do you often look at your photos and feel like you’re making frustratingly slow progress?

Do you often see photos taken by others and feel like the photographer was either blessed with photography skills at birth or has more money for fancy photography equipment than you, and you’ll NEVER be able to take photos like them EVER?

Or do you maybe wonder how photographers are making a living with photography - and even though you’d like similar success, you haven’t a clue where to start?

Would you like to stop asking yourself these questions and finally start creating images like your favourite photographers and/or earn a side income (or huge income) with a photography business selling your photos or as a portrait/product/event photographer?

Then, please allow yourself to “GROW” with individual 1:1 tutoring, more than 20 workshops and free access to my flagship subscription program “Photography Learning studio”.

Sign up now for $4.000 - payment plans available


STOP wasting your time!

Photography may only be a hobby, but you spend valuable time with it. By continuing to create photos far from impressive instead of leap-frogging the trial-and-error process, you’re doing yourself an injustice.

A lot of photographers mistakenly believe that they need to spend years learning photography and improving. To me, that is senseless because it's only when you know exactly what you're doing that you can create the photos you see in your mind. And only then can you create images that are in tune with your authentic self.

If you try to go it alone, it will take you years to get to the level of the photographers you see online and whose images you regularly swoon over. YEARS!

You have probably already taken several pretty good photos and are progressing. But you aren't. Because you couldn't replicate those images- they came about by chance. So they don’t count.

Why photography workshops aren’t always enough.

I see a lot of brilliant photography from my workshop students. The speed in which my students make progress is proof enough that they are ideal for learning the ropes and getting things moving in the right direction - (that’s also a reason that I’m including them in GROW). 

The results are:

  • Very often, incredibly good

  • Sometimes not good at all (and the photographer is totally unaware of this)

  • Sometimes not good at all (and the photographer is aware of this but doesn’t have the slightest idea why and what she could do differently)

This is where GROW jumps in!!! 

I can’t give the amount of feedback needed for each photographer in group calls, feedback videos or by commenting below posted images.

As a GROW student, you’ll have my undivided attention and always know exactly what you’re doing right, what needs improving AND HOW!

Students who have already profited from my 1:1 attention spend a lot of time head-slapping.

I can guarantee you’ll be taking photos like the ones you admire online - within weeks!!!!!

But first, Let me tell you a little about the photographers whose images you admire online:

They are people like you and me. 95% of the photographers whose images you adore are self-taught.

They DO NOT have wealthy partners/fathers/sponsors who buy them fancy equipment.

They DO NOT live in fancy photogenic locations. 

They DO NOT spend all day every day practising.

They DO NOT have big fancy certificates from expensive photography schools on their walls.

They WERE NOT born with photography talent (no one is, because photography is a mixture of creativity and techniques, two components that don’t naturally go hand in hand).

THEY ARE ordinary people with regular jobs, incomes, little free time and average talent levels. JUST LIKE YOU!

The only difference is that, at some point, they decided that they wanted the whole deal and not just a fraction of it. 


Imagine plodding on at your current development speed:

All the missed photography opportunities

All the images you won’t be able to take.

All the beautiful holiday locations you won’t be able to capture

Now imagine leap-frogging the trial-and-error phase and being the photographer who can magically capture every scene and location. 

Begin turning your photography into a worthwhile pastime that is even more fun and entirely fulfilling now! Yes, we can start this week!

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How this works

How to use the 1:1 sessions

🤩 Grow comes with 12 1:1 sessions á 90 minutes.

In these sessions, I will pick you up at the stage where you are now and give you the exact steps you need to reach the goals you’re aiming for. 

For beginners:

To begin with, we’ll assess your current skill set, and together, we’ll plan a strategy that will enable you to make quantum leaps in your development process. In each session, you’ll receive a personal assignment that will take you to the next level.

Going from where you are now to where you want to be shouldn’t take longer than a few weeks.

After that, we can concentrate on your photography style development, editing style and reaching further goals, for instance, selling your photos, using them in designs, building an Instagram feed that is fun and makes sense, or even laying the foundations for a small side business or non-profit.

For more advanced photographers:

You can use the sessions to learn more advanced techniques. There’s always something new to learn, so whenever you see photos you’d like to create but don’t know the exact process. I will explain how in the 1:1 session.

We can also concentrate on your photography style development, editing style and reaching further goals, for instance, selling your photos, using them in designs, building an Instagram feed that is fun and makes sense, or even laying the foundations for a small side business or non-profit. GROW is also perfect if you need assistance in planning an exhibition or starting as a portrait/event or product photographer.

The workshops

🤩 Grow comes with lifetime access to 20+ online workshops

Why are they included in the offer?

Firstly, I will often refer to the contents instead of using our valuable session time to explain something you can quickly learn in one of the lessons.

Secondly, taking part in workshops is always a rewarding and inspiring experience. The contents open doors and inspire one to try new methods and ideas.

Photography Learning Studio

🤩 You’ll also be continuously inspired to grow as a photographer in the “Photography Learning Studio”, which comes with the following content each month:

  • New mini-workshops 

  • Live group Q&As 

  • Co-Editing sessions

  • Hot-Seats where I mentor other photographers (these sessions are incredibly inspiring and may spark new ideas)

  • Co-editing sessions (where we edit images together in Lightroom or Photoshop), that come with Lightroom preset sets and/or Photoshop actions.

The workshops included in GROW:

I’ve added the regular prices so you can see the value you’re receiving (but of course, there are no extra charges). Please read the FAQs if you’ve purchased any of these courses in the past 12 months.

  • Focus $99

  • Learn Photography in 21 days $210

  • Go Girl! $169

  • Lightroom Intensive $249

  • Creative Flow $99

  • Simply Instagram $149

  • Earning Money in your Sleep $149

  • Creative Copying $69

  • Creative Smartphone Photography $219

  • What makes a great photo? $19

  • Creating Photos to Sell $9

  • Limelight $11

  • Creative Autumn $149

  • Autumn Mornings Challenge $99

  • Photography, Simplified $99

  • The Beauty of Blur $199

  • Creativity Box $69

  • Creative Photography Challenges $149

  • Instagram Photography $69

  • Instagram Star $69

  • Uncoloured - Black and White photography $129

  • Stand Out Photography $99

  • Photography No-Gos $69

  • How to Create a Photo Book $49

= $2.689


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Things you might be wondering before you sign up (AKA FAQs):


+ What if I’ve purchased one or more workshops in the package?

Yes, I've got you in mind 🤔

If you want to invest in GROW, I will deduct the money you’ve invested in any of the courses included in the offer you purchased in 2023 - Please note that only courses and programs will be deducted - not subscriptions or presets as they are not included in this package.

Please fill in THIS FORM, and I will send a personalised cart form to you. Please note that your initial investment will be calculated NOT the regular price.

+What if I’m only interested in some of the workshops?

The price for this package is calculated with your needs in mind. I don’t think there is anyone who needs all the workshops included in this offer. I want you to have access to those that you do.

+Will I receive a certificate?

I'm not qualified to issue certificates. The only reason you'd need any form of qualification would be to apply for a job. Wouldn't a stand-out portfolio make more sense? This is something we can put together in the 1:1 sessions.

+ How will you be able to help me personally?

On our coaching calls, we will discuss your personal goals and current situation, and together, we’ll map out a path leading you from one level to the next and gradually building your skill set.

We’ll begin by putting together a group of some of your most recent photos and then analyse those of your favourite photos, assessing which of their qualities you feel most drawn to. I’ll create a plan with the exact steps you need to take to graduate from one level to the next, depending on your current standard.

Once your photography noticeably improves, we’ll continue with style development in later sessions.

Once your style is established your journey could go in any direction, from hosting your own exhibition, selling your images as prints, or even as a portrait, product or event photographer. Or just as a curious, creative photographer who uses her vast knowledge to experiment and use her photography as a creative outlet.

+ Do you have a different question?

Send me an email by clicking here


Why do I feel exceptionally qualified to teach you?

In a nutshell, I’m offering you what I would have willingly invested in my former self

- the girl who wanted to start taking astonishingly great photos asap! I wanted to create photos I loved looking at and, which filled me with pride. I wanted to use photography to release my creative potential. And I wanted to create photos that made an impact and made jaws drop.

I’ve been teaching photography in different ways to different amateur photographers since 2017.

In workshops, live workshops and subscription programs. But it’s always the 1:1 coaching that makes the most significant impact.

My undivided attention and support has helped students transform their photography and build their confidence, allowing them to win prizes and have their images exhibited in high-end galleries.

Even if your ambitions aren’t that high 1:1 coaching still makes sense as it will help you leap-frog over the tiring and unrewarding development process.

It’s only when you know what you’re doing that you’ll be able to create the images you see in your mind.

The photos you’re taking at the moment aren’t YOU 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’m here to help you unleash your full creative potential.

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Sign in now for $4.000

Payment plans available - please contact if you’d like an individual payment plan.
