Selecting the best photo from a batch

Being able to select your best photos from a batch will help you make better decisions when it comes to posting on social media and also keep your photo archive tidy.

Digital photography enables us to take dozens of photos of the same subject in the same scene in different ways. This leaves us with a mountain of photos to sort through. So how do you select the best one/s out of a batch?

Choosing the best photo may not seem like an easy task at first glance, but with the useful tips in this post you’ll soon be selecting your best photos easily.

Before we dig deeper:

I can only advise you to not present similar photos (taken of the same thing in the same place), in your Instagram feed and no more than three photos from any given session on Facebook. People’s attention spans are incredibly low and no one wants to plough through 25 photos trying to find the good ones. If you believe they’re all good, then post them in batches.

How do you sort out the absolute best photo from your session/photo trip?

Imagine Picasso hanging 10 paintings on top of each other and telling his audience, "choose the best one (I can’t decide which one I like best)".  

That would certainly not have been the best course of action for him, if anything he would have gone down in history for not being able to decide and even worse, his best works would have been lost in the masses. 


It's all about what YOU like!

Try these tricks:

  • Assuming you had to pay $5.00 per photo, which and how many of the 10 pictures would you keep?

  • What is the best wall in your house for a mural? Which of the images in your collections would you spend $300 on to have it framed in large format to occupy that coveted space?

  • Take your time choosing. If you have Lightroom, keep looking at all the images and keep removing the ones you like least until there is only one left.

The above mock-up was created in the Sytist app with one of my photos. You can try it out with your photos to see what they look like in different living spaces.

Present the photographs you feel the most connection to yourself and to the world.

A good approach is to capture one good photo during every photo outing - after a few months you’ll have a gorgeous collection of stand-out photos and not masses of mediocre ones. So instead of snapping away, taking dozens of photos, spend time assessing the motif and how you could capture it in the best possible way. The more time you spend planning and weighing up your options, the better the results will be.

Present your work with pride. Your photos should make you feel a gush of pride and connection every time you see them ♥.

Would you like to learn how to create more photos you feel a deeper connection to? The "VISUAL POETRY” workshop has recently been added to the SOOP membership.