Even better than perfect

Girls With Cameras Community

There's nothing more stressful than trying to take photographs which are "perfect".

Perfect is always set by other people's standards, and who says they are right?

But we all know this. This is nothing  new. We're women. We know, at least deep down, that we don't have to be perfect. Every life coach will tell you. There are thousands of Pinterest quotes telling you.

And still. Deep down you are thinking about what other people will say when they see your images.

My friend, this is normal. It is normal to want other people's praise. We all want to know if the thing we're putting out there is "good enough", maybe even "great" or possibly even "out of this world".

We create work to make ourselves and to make other people enjoy what they see. This is what every artist does.

Even better than perfect

That doesn't however mean that your images have to be perfect.

And I'd like you to look at your photography from a different perspective.

Instead of stressing yourself with "doing everything right", take a different approach and think "I really want to take this subject in the BEST possible way FOR ME". Take your time and really think about what you want. What can you do to make this image visually pleasing to YOU?

Every time you take a photo think about what your colours are, your perspective, your angles, your composition, your light, your lens, your settings. Which minor or major changes can you make to make the image the best it can be? Always give 100%. But always do it for YOU.

It so much more fun presenting your work knowing that it's not only "really good", but "really good for you". The feeling of "well I really like it too" is so much more pleasing than "I'm glad I've done everything right".

I really hope this short post has given you a different perspective on what perfect, in the sense of photography, really means.


If you're struggling with camera basics and need more information about the tools of photography: perspective, composition, colour, light etc. then the workshop "Better than Perfect" will give you will help you understand and make the right choices for your images, but not only that, it will teach how to combine them so that each of your images stands out from the crowd.

Click the button to learn more about the workshop: