The "Photography Style" Myth


“I really don’t know”

This was the most popular answer when I asked my followers what they struggle with most when it comes to defining their style.

In a recent survey between 97% and 98% of my followers said yes when asked if they wished they had their own unique photography style.

What I’ve learned over the years is that there’s a certain reluctance when it comes to reducing their photography to one particular subject. Understandably so. Photography is about spreading one’s creative wings, so it’s obvious that tying yourself to one image subject will feel far too restrictive.

This is the obvious first thought when it comes to defining ones photographic style.

The good news is that you really don’t have to. 

That said, when we really think about making a plan about how to develop our photography style, then our minds tend to go foggy. 


So where do you start?

I think a good place to start is by acknowledging that it’s great to be able to create good images in different genres, but the creative process is more fun if you focus on “HOW” to take your photos than “WHAT” the subject of your photo actually is.

It’s about creating your “method”. With this method, you will be able to create images in your style of absolutely any subject. 

Developing your photography “method” is a process you need to be guided through. 

I’ve seen many a blog post, photography coach or influencer give out a few tips in passing, but I’ve yet to find a structured guide which is truly helpful. There’s too much focus on pleasing others on Instagram and too little on the actual steps needed to create images which:

  • you adore

  • tells “your” story

  • you love the look of so much, that you can’t wait to create more images in the same way

This last point is essential. It’s only when the process and the outcome fulfil you with so much joy that you’re really on a roll.

Learn more on the subject

The first step you need to take when developing a photography style is to define the look of your future photos.

Take part in my free five-day challenge and start the process now: